
  • Cable And Wireless Cwd265 Manually
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 12. 02:41
    1. Cable And Wireless Cwd265 Manually Tv
    2. Cable And Wireless Jamaica

    Have been running Directv for about 5 months and all was working fine, till 2,3 weeks ago when i start seeingthis blue screen 'wired connection lost' on my!So Directv Support and they come and re-did all with new 'hard wire' individual to each roomGenie HR44-500LivingroomC51-100 2 RoomsNow after the new hard wires where re-done all was working fine for that day! But later on that day, got the same error coming from the2 Genie mini 'wired connection lost', So called again, and they come and replaced the Genie HdThe old Genie HR44-500 had some errors when the test was done,so now replaced with new all tests come good!

    So all working again! But,later on that day it started again, is like WOW. Not this again.It will not work, unless i keep resetting / unplugging the power from the main Genie HR44, and then resetting the 2 Mini's also, then all working fine for a while,few hours or less. So here is my setup once again!Genie Main one living room2 genie's mini upstairsall 3 are connected to the dish with tv cable (rg6 i think,the newest cable)then they swap the genie main,with anew one and at the time of setup, they choose my network wifi name and entered my network password.That all.So the Genie communicates with my wireless router - with wifi signal ( not Ethernet cables involved).' If you have two connections this type of thing can happen.'

    No 2 connections! Wifi or i have added a Ethernet cable to see if it will happen again!, but of course when cable is in, i turn my wifi off to make sure the genie will not go that route.

    I clicked on 'set up a new network' but all that comes up is 'choose a wireless router or access point that you want to configure' and underneath is an outline of a box but it is empty. Regards G.How can you have a marked as answer response if you have not gotten an answer and ask the above later?;-)I had a question and marked a response as 'Answered,' but then I found out it was wrong. What should I do?You can go to the response and click Unmark as Answer.- Shenan Stanley MVP 2005-2011 & 2013-2015 Insider MVP 2016-. Sorry, it seems as though I've made a mistake. You have probably guessed that I am new to computers, well, to 'help' lines anyway, I seem to be always clicking wrong buttons. Regards.No problem. Now that we are beyond that.From your original post:'My desktop computer is connected via an Ethernet cable.

    Cable And Wireless Cwd265 Manually Tv

    I also now have a tablet so I need to change my wired connection to wireless so that I can use the tablet.' So the questions for you to answer are:What wireless access point do you have connected to your network? (Make & Model)Is your router/modem a wireless access point?

    Cable And Wireless Jamaica

    (Make & Model)Essentially - in order to use the wireless on your tablet you must have another device (wireless access point) to connect to.- Shenan Stanley MVP 2005-2011 & 2013-2015 Insider MVP 2016-.

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